Registration for fall session is closed. Please be in touch about future workshops!

What life change(s) are you noticing? Considering? Anticipating? Presently navigating?

Whether desired (and celebratory!) or unwanted (and perhaps wholly unwelcome!), change often involves elements of uncertainty and the “unknown.” Journaling is a powerful (okay, I’ll say it: magical) tool for self-discovery, one that is evidence-based for enhanced wellness – and an inviting space to process personal, relational, seasonal, societal, or global change and transition.

But how do we begin? And how do we expand or deepen our existing journaling practice?

In this warm, supportive virtual community, with expertly guided facilitation, we learn and practice multiple creative journaling approaches to help us explore, navigate, and shift our relationship with potential or actual life change.

-No writing or journaling experience necessary. Workshops are intentionally designed to welcome folks all along the continuum, from the new and curious to lifelong journal writers. Our focus is process, not product; self-discovery, not craft.

-While this is an interactive, engaging group, your writing is sacred and sharing is always optional.

-In the spirit of replicating “in-person” community to the extent possible and cultivating a safe, welcoming space for sharing and witnessing, it is preferable to have your video camera on during workshop sessions to the extent possible. If you need any accommodations around this or anything else, please be in touch.

-Although this workshop offers evidence-based therapeutic benefits, it is a personal development workshop and not a substitute for group or individual psychotherapy.

-Reduced fee options are available on a limited basis to accommodate folks with financial hardship.

Global – join from anywhere via Zoom

September 23rd – October 28th, 2024 

6 consecutive Mondays, 4:00-6:00pm PST (breaks included)

Cost: $359 for entire 6-session workshop series ($60 per 2-hour session)

For more information and a no-fee intake session to determine if the Journaling Circle is the right workshop for you (required before registration), please contact Elisa Friedlander, LMFT, LPCC at with the subject line: Journaling Transitions


Please note:

Space is limited for most therapeutic writing, journaling, and poetry workshops. Please subscribe to Ink To Insight, LLC’s low-volume newsletter to be among the first to learn about upcoming workshops. To sign up, use the opt-in box in the right sidebar.