* Registration is now OPEN! *
Space is limited for most therapeutic writing, journaling, and poetry workshops. Please subscribe to Ink To Insight, LLC’s low-volume newsletter to be among the first to learn about upcoming workshops.
For registration information about any of the following workshops, please contact: Elisa@inktoinsight.com
Registration now open! Please contact: elisa@inktoinsight.com
As someone with chronic pain, you have likely been told, “Learn to live with it.” But how? Or, “Listen to your body.” But what does that mean for you as a unique individual?
Therapeutic writing is an evidence-based practice for improving physical and mental health and overall well-being. In this groundbreaking workshop, you are invited to explore your relationship with chronic pain, illness, and disability through expressive writing, alongside a supportive peer community, as you gently enter into the space between your present life and one you desire and deserve.
Pain Meets Pen™ is a virtual, six-session interactive workshop. Each session includes:
- Structured writing exercises uniquely designed for folks with chronic pain
- Mindfulness practices
- Group sharing (sharing is always optional – you determine your level of participation)
- Psycho-education
- Journaling prompts and handouts for between-session practice (also optional)
- Guidance from a uniquely qualified, sought-after chronic pain expert who also lives with chronic pain
- A supportive, confidential peer community
- During our last session, you will complete a personalized writing and wellness plan to use moving forward
-No writing or journaling experience necessary. Workshops are intentionally designed to welcome folks all along the continuum, from the new and curious to lifelong journal writers. Our focus is process, not product; self-discovery and healing, not craft.
-While this is an interactive, engaging group, your writing is sacred and sharing is always optional.
-In the spirit of replicating “in-person” community to the extent possible and cultivating a safe, welcoming space for sharing and witnessing, it is preferable to have your video camera on during workshop sessions to the extent possible. If you need any accommodations around this or anything else, please be in touch.
-Although this workshop offers evidence-based therapeutic benefits, it is a personal development workshop and not a substitute for group or individual psychotherapy.
-If you are interested in joining an upcoming workshop (and/or if you are a care professional who would like more information to pass along to folks you work with), please contact :Elisa@inktoinsight.com
-Reduced fee options are available on a limited basis to accommodate folks with financial hardship secondary to disability.
“I have recommended (Pain Meets Pen™) to friends… a really great way to explore, discover, transform, heal, listen to, and be with chronic pain in a softer, more compassionate, and understanding way. I loved sharing with other people, being witnessed, inspired, and moved by others…” Becky R.
Global – join from anywhere via Zoom
September 25th – October 30, 2024
6 consecutive Wednesdays, 12-2 PST (breaks included)
Cost: *$299 for entire 6-session workshop series ($50 per 2-hour session).
*Standard cost is $359 ($60 per 2-hour session). The above special rate is in recognition of September’s Pain Awareness Month (established by the American Chronic Pain Association in 2001).
For more information and a no-fee intake session to determine if Pain Meets Pen™ is the right workshop for you (required before registration), please contact Elisa Friedlander, LMFT, LPCC at elisa@inktoinsight.com with the subject line: Pain Meets Pen.
Registration now open! Please contact: elisa@inktoinsight.com
What life change(s) are you noticing? Considering? Anticipating? Presently navigating?
Whether desired (and celebratory!) or unwanted (and perhaps wholly unwelcome!), change often involves elements of uncertainty and the “unknown.” Journaling is a powerful (okay, I’ll say it: magical) tool for self-discovery, one that is evidence-based for enhanced wellness – and an inviting space to process personal, relational, seasonal, societal, or global change and transition.
But how do we begin? And how do we expand or deepen our existing journaling practice?
In this warm, supportive virtual community, with expertly guided facilitation, we learn and practice multiple creative journaling approaches to help us explore, navigate, and shift our relationship with potential or actual life change.
-No writing or journaling experience necessary. Workshops are intentionally designed to welcome folks all along the continuum, from the new and curious to lifelong journal writers. Our focus is process, not product; self-discovery, not craft.
-While this is an interactive, engaging group, your writing is sacred and sharing is always optional.
-In the spirit of replicating “in-person” community to the extent possible and cultivating a safe, welcoming space for sharing and witnessing, it is preferable to have your video camera on during workshop sessions to the extent possible. If you need any accommodations around this or anything else, please be in touch.
-Although this workshop offers evidence-based therapeutic benefits, it is a personal development workshop and not a substitute for group or individual psychotherapy.
-Reduced fee options are available on a limited basis to accommodate folks with financial hardship.
Global – join from anywhere via Zoom
September 23rd – October 28th, 2024
6 consecutive Mondays, 4:00-6:00pm PST (breaks included)
Cost: $359 for entire 6-session workshop series ($60 per 2-hour session)
For more information and a no-fee intake session to determine if the Journaling Circle is the right workshop for you (required before registration), please contact Elisa Friedlander, LMFT, LPCC at elisa@inktoinsight.com with the subject line: Journaling Transitions
JOURNALING WITH JOY! ~ Please check back for the next “Joy” series
We could all use a bit (or a lot) more joy in our lives these days. The Journal is a magical place to explore how we relate to joy, and how we can discover or enhance joy in our daily lives. In this engaging, interactive workshop (folks love this!), we write in response to creative, guided prompts and bear witness to ourselves and each other. While sharing is invited, it is always optional.
No writing or journaling experience necessary. Workshops are designed to welcome folks all along the continuum, from the new and curious to lifelong journal writers. We do not critique one another’s writing (or our own!)…our focus is process, not product; self-discovery and personal growth, not craft.
To join the wait list for future Journaling with Joy! workshops, please contact elisa@inktoinsight.com with the subject line: Journaling with Joy!
Please check back for information about more upcoming workshops or subscribe to the newsletter.
Classes, Groups & Workshop Registration